The arrival of photography in the middle of the 19th century was the click for a long period of reflection, research, and questioning in the world of plastic arts and in particular painting. In a cacophony of scandals, mockery and rivalry, a multitude of movements have followed one another, opposed, some ephemeral, others more lasting: impressionism, fauvism, cubism, expressionism, pointillism, dadaism, naive, abstract, new ...
If the work of Roman Greco testifies to all this agitation, it testifies above all to his own inner agitation. Indeed, it does not claim to belong to any movement or school. He is slightly fauve, vaguely impressionist, colourist, sometimes cubist and some canvases flirt with the abstract. But his outlook on the world, his strong character, his agitation and his inner strength surely make him a powerful, original, unique and innovative expressionist; you could say a master.